Decentralized Research puts scientific power in the hands of the people: crowdfunding research, hosting investors gatherings, building public roadmaps and tools, and launching the first-ever decentralized clinical trial to overcome dementia. 

Pioneering Research to Fight Dementia

We are building powerful machine learning-based systems to attack dementia using non-drug approaches that show promise but do not have traditional profit motives. Some of these potential therapies are digital in nature, and thus are ideal for organizing the first-ever decentralized clinical trial to test them. A success in such a decentralized trial in, especially in an area where the existing system has catasotrophically failed for decades, would be an earthquake.

The Longevity Investors Network

The Longevity Investor Network is a initiative to bring together investors and promising aging-focused biotech startups, to take projects the Lifespan community has crowdsourced to the next level. The network is organized by board members and meets once a month to listen to presentation pitches from longevity companies seeking funding.

The Crowdfunding Platform

Our longevity-focused crowdfunding platform raises critical funds and awareness for projects with the maximal chance to increase healthy human lifespan. Projects funded on include research projects from teams such as those at Harvard Medical School and the SENS Research Foundation, as well as projects focused on developing biomarkers of aging. We now plan to transform this platform to incorporate blockchain technology and poweful new funding mechanisms.

The Rejuvenation Roadmap's rejuvenation roadmap is a curated database that compiles the most promising rejuvenation therapies and technologies in development and charts their progress in one easy-to read-format.